Saturday, 21 April 2012

Fascination Fuck.

So, you've found your very own Mr or Mrs Darcy, He or She is tall dark and handsome - or short fat & ugly, whatever your preference! There's someone out there for everyone after all.
You've been seeing each other for a while, and the fact that your disability doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest is, let's be honest, something of a confidence boost if nothing else! Things are going great.
But all of a sudden your 'Darcy' seems all too keen to progress to the next level of 'intimacy' - and we all know what that means!
You seem excited at the prospect for a while, but then you realise - you haven't been introduced to anyone of importance to them, like there family, or even their friends!
Why haven't they introduced you to ANYONE? - It suddenly dawns on you, you may or may not be (you probably are) a 'Fascination Fuck!'

If you're wondering what that means exactly, It's pretty simple: Someone who classes sleeping with a Disabled person, as a little 'KINKY.'

"So tell me, can you still have Sex?"

"Yes, I have Cerebral Palsy, I'm not a Nun!"

"Oh! Well, I've always wanted to try something a little Kinky!"

It's nothing of the sort - unless you like that kind of thing, but, if you're anything like me, you just want a good old fashioned shag! A good relationship that comes with it is of course, is an added bonus.

But why describe it as 'Kinky'? It's almost as if we should be 'flattered' by such a description, after all, an able bodied person would be lucky to even have "Great sex" in the first place, but us Disabled people are Kinky without even trying - Um, thanks?!

Seriously though, there is no difference between 'Normal' sex, and supposed 'Disabled' sex, whether it you're both in wheelchairs, or one, or none at all - We all have the same holes don't we.

One more thing, if you, or some one you know, think that we literally: eat, sleep, shit, shower, shave & shag in our wheelchairs, let me clear a few things up for you:

  1. Contrary to popular beliefs: Any children with parents who are Wheelchair Bound WILL NOT be born with tiny wheelchairs attached to them!
  2. Our wheelchairs ARE NOT permanently attached to our arse!
  3. If you thought ANY of the above was even remotely true, I'm sorry to disappoint! 

I've never had a 'Fascination Fuck' myself, but I do find it - Fucking Fascinating!

Chaz! x

1 comment:

  1. I've had some stupid questions asked. I had a blind partner a few years ago and we got asked how that works. I think I may have a problem, as I enjoy sex a little too much.
