You've been seeing each other for a while, and the fact that your disability doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest is, let's be honest, something of a confidence boost if nothing else! Things are going great.
But all of a sudden your 'Darcy' seems all too keen to progress to the next level of 'intimacy' - and we all know what that means!
You seem excited at the prospect for a while, but then you realise - you haven't been introduced to anyone of importance to them, like there family, or even their friends!
Why haven't they introduced you to ANYONE? - It suddenly dawns on you, you may or may not be (you probably are) a 'Fascination Fuck!'
If you're wondering what that means exactly, It's pretty simple: Someone who classes sleeping with a Disabled person, as a little 'KINKY.'
"So tell me, can you still have Sex?"
"Yes, I have Cerebral Palsy, I'm not a Nun!"
"Oh! Well, I've always wanted to try something a little Kinky!"
It's nothing of the sort - unless you like that kind of thing, but, if you're anything like me, you just want a good old fashioned shag! A good relationship that comes with it is of course, is an added bonus.
But why describe it as 'Kinky'? It's almost as if we should be 'flattered' by such a description, after all, an able bodied person would be lucky to even have "Great sex" in the first place, but us Disabled people are Kinky without even trying - Um, thanks?!
Seriously though, there is no difference between 'Normal' sex, and supposed 'Disabled' sex, whether it you're both in wheelchairs, or one, or none at all - We all have the same holes don't we.
One more thing, if you, or some one you know, think that we literally: eat, sleep, shit, shower, shave & shag in our wheelchairs, let me clear a few things up for you:
- Contrary to popular beliefs: Any children with parents who are Wheelchair Bound WILL NOT be born with tiny wheelchairs attached to them!
- Our wheelchairs ARE NOT permanently attached to our arse!
- If you thought ANY of the above was even remotely true, I'm sorry to disappoint!
I've never had a 'Fascination Fuck' myself, but I do find it - Fucking Fascinating!
Chaz! x
I've had some stupid questions asked. I had a blind partner a few years ago and we got asked how that works. I think I may have a problem, as I enjoy sex a little too much.